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How Do You Open The Third Eye?











The third eye (also known as the Ajna chakra or 6th chakra) is the energy centre that you see in the middle of the forehead on images of the chakra system.

This chakra is always depicted indigo because that is the colour that the frequency of the chakra creates; frequency and colour are the same thing perceived by different senses.

The third eye chakra governs our ability to see things for what they really are and not just what is in plain sight. It enables us to go beyond the mind and into the realm of awareness and universal knowledge. This could mean something as simple as an automatic response of compassion and understanding towards someone who is being aggressive towards you; you can just ‘see’ why they are being the way they are being and what they have been through.

The third eye corresponds to the pineal gland, which governs our sleep patterns and melatonin production. Less spoken about, our pineal gland is also connected to our intuitive mind e.g. ability to visualise and even receive messages in the form of images from our higher selves. It is believed to be responsible for the production of DMT which is connected to the ability to see into the astral realm. (Ancient cultures have used plant medicines for years to ingest the DMT and be able to communicate with the spirit world).

So how do we open our third eyes?

News flash. Your third eye is already open. It’s likely that if you are looking into opening your third eye then it is currently underactive.
All our chakras are open all the time, they will either be balanced, underactive, or overactive. If you have a severely underactive third eye, you might experience deep depression, foggy brain, confusion, a closing off from people and a detachment from the world and your own life. You will be unable to see things for what they really are, which can manifest as scepticism, narrow mindedness, deep suspicions and even paranoia.
So as you can imagine, if your third eye was completely closed you would not be able to function in the world. If you are currently alive and functioning then congratulations, your third eye is open.

If your third eye is overactive, you may be experiencing an overindulgence in your imagination and excessive daydreaming. This can cause you to feel overwhelmed and mentally exhausted. You may also experience indecisiveness and clouded judgment.


So how do we balance our third eye chakra?

There are A LOT of techniques mentioned on the internet that I would only be copying and pasting and editing to look like my own information, so there is no point me repeating what has been mentioned a million times already.
What I will mention is what I have personally done and experienced, which has had a beneficial effect on me and my intuition and ability to see clearly.

There is a lot of information going around about how inorganic fluoride (such as in some tap water and toothpaste) is poisonous and calcifies your pineal gland, causing it to become underactive. There are a lot of supplements and methods that are said to decalcify your pineal gland (some mentioned below – no, I’m not being sponsored – and no, this isn’t medical advice). I will not go on record and say these supplements decalcified my pineal gland because I have never seen my pineal gland let alone witnessed it decalcify. Having said that, I certainly noticed the benefits so it’s possible that this is exactly what happened.


MEDITATION – Is the obvious one. Working on observing your thoughts helps you to become aware of what is a false belief and what is truth. You’ll find that almost everything you think is a false belief. Try to bring this into your waking day as well, you don’t just have to observe your thoughts when you meditate. This will help you to become less reactional in high stress situations and less judgemental when you are people watching. Deep meditation will help you to connect to your true self/the universe.

BINAURAL BEATS- These are a type of audio that plays a different frequency in each ear to entrain the brain into the alpha, delta or theta state for meditation. Once you have learnt how to get into a state of meditation or relaxation through the brain entrainment, its important to ween yourself off the audios and continue to meditate in silence the natural way.

‘NORMAL’ FREQUENCY MUSIC – There are varying opinions on what frequency is best for the third eye but I would suggest listening to them and discerning for yourself which one strongly works on that centre. Videos here. Start noticing energy changes within your own body and energy centres. This practice in itself will help to develop your intuition and sensitivity. Again, it is important not to rely wholly on outside sources for developing things pertaining to your inner world.


GOTU KOLA – I started taking this in powder form in my smoothies two years ago and noticed quite soon after that I had more alertness through out the day, more energy, more ability to focus and less anxiety. Anxiety clouds judgement and this is why I relate this herb to the third eye. Gotu Kola is an adaptogen, adaptogens bring the nervous and endocrine systems into a state of better balance and generally promote energy. Other adaptogens are Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Ashwaganda. Gotu Kola in particular, however, enhances brain function and things such as photographic memory, which is closely related to clairvoyance (clear seeing) and visualisation. My memory and observation skills significantly improved. People even started giving me second glances when they saw how efficient I’d become; I was not known for my efficiency.

FERMENTED SKATE OIL – I’m actually vegan but I decided to cheat and try this as a supplement because I’d seen a presentation on it somewhere that convinced me to give it a try. I can’t find the exact video now, unfortunately, as I think it has been taken down.
It explained how the oil had a certain factor (activator X or vitamins K2, A and D) which prevents calcification in the body including the pineal gland. As soon as I started taking it, I was sleeping deeper every night and feeling more awake during the day. I was having vivid and symbolic dreams every night, which I remembered in detail when I woke up. I began receiving messages and premonitions in the form of images during meditation, and a lot of them.


CUTTING OUT MEAT – I didn’t go completely vegan straight away (and I’m not COMPLETELTY vegan now) but initially I cut meat eating down to about once a week. I noticed that when I did eat meat, I felt heavier, more lethargic, less focussed and less motivated. I found that it lowered my vibration and made me feel less sensitive to energies.

THE SUN TECHNIQUE – Close your eyes and visualise the sun rising from the horizon. Imagine it going from red to bright white light. As it gets brighter, recreate/imagine the feeling it would create if it was shining directly in your eyes, you might even feel a twinge in the back of your eyes like you are actually staring at the sun. Alternatively, imagine your pineal gland glowing bright white instead. What I find this does is create a lot of energy in the brain and is particularly helpful just before meditation for relaxing the mind. Any visualisation technique exercises your intuitive ‘muscles’, but this one in particular seems to be effective and it requires little imagination, therefore less effort for those who find visualisation hard or boring.

KUNDALINI AWAKENING – Easier said than done. But more obviously, if you have a kundalini awakening, any blocks you had before, that were preventing your third eye from being balanced, are worked through and released, leaving you to see clearly and become more intuitive. And that is exactly what happened for me.


There are a lot more diet changes, supplements and techniques that could be mentioned, but this blog post would end up the length of a dissertation if I continued.

I’m sure there are at least two or three in the above list you can test out for yourself. It’s important to note, though, that it’s no good balancing your third eye and forgetting about the rest of you. You can’t completely balance one end of the see saw with one chakra, if there’s a ton of bricks at the other end.




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