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How Does Distance Healing Work?











Distance healing is an energy healing that is sent from a distance (funnily enough – don’t worry, I’ll get to my point). This physical reality is governed by the illusion that time and space are fixed ie. our perception is conditioned to see objects and places as separated by distance, and to see time as linear (moving in one direction). This is a limitation of our perception and is not the true reality.


When I facilitate a healing I move out of this perception and into one that is not bound by these limitations and therefore am able to facilitate the healing of a person regardless of distance. Everything is energy, I am using my energy and intent (which is also energy) to access and heal your energy. This is a concept that can be difficult to grasp with the mind because it is the mind that has been conditioned into this paradigm of linear time and separateness.


How I perceive this energy really depends on which energy it is I am sending to someone and what things come up during a session (such as intuitive impulses or images in my mind’s eye that direct me to certain areas of the body). When giving a shaktipat transmission for example, I feel shakti (the primordial, cosmic, creative, feminine energy). I feel it as either energy tingling or vibrating on the surface of my face or as a feeling of pure, bubbling love in my chest. When someone is in a good place to receive shakti, (perhaps their kundalini is already active), I often feel the energy flow faster to them.


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