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Kundalini is a form of the divine feminine energy (or shakti) that is located and coiled at the base of the spine, in the muladhara chakra (or root chakra). It stays dormant there until it is awakened through spiritual practice (or sometimes seemingly at random). It then travels up to the brain for a full kundalini awakening (it later descends into the heart and gut). For some, kundalini is activated by trauma/an accident/abuse and this can be a frightening experience for them when they are in a dark place and are unaware of what it is that is happening to them.

The kundalini awakening process can take years, months or weeks. For me, it took 2 weeks. In my experience, this was a process that was important for my awakening, in that it upgraded my physiology to be able to uphold states of higher consciousness or enlightenment. Having said that, there are those who have stabilised into unity consciousness without any apparent experience of kundalini.


Kundalini energy is often described as feeling like heat or a snake travelling up the spine. It can feel blissful, orgasmic or just like a vibration or a tingling. Some people do not feel it this way but still reach unity consciousness despite not ever having felt the typical kundalni energy experiences. Personally, I felt it as a vibrating energy above the perineum that punched the front of my spine as it entered it (this was not painful). Afterwards it took two weeks to travel from the root chakra to the crown chakra twice, clearing each energy centre as it travelled through them. This was a very visceral experience and I intuitively understood what each step of the process was clearing. Had I not been an intuitive person already, I might have believed instead, that I was actually just a very sickly person.












Once my chakras or energy centres had been cleared and purged quite intensely (twice) the energy created what I can only describe as a brain orgasm in my head. Afterwards, the energy died down for a few weeks until I felt it shift back down through my heart centre and down into my gut where it felt that my consciousness was residing.

During the kundalini process I was opened up to psychic downloads (such as messages and information regarding the nature of reality), was made able to perceive different forms of energy (other’s energy, negative energy, energy of pure consciousness) and my eating habits and diet changed permanently, naturally, and for the better. I can no longer stomach meat as the energy I feel from it is too low and dense. My processing of emotion is a more physical experience now that belongs to the body and not the mind.


A full kundalini awakening is a life changing experience that in the past seemed to be exclusively for sages or mystics and predominantly in the East, but it is becoming more and more common in the west now for a lot of reasons: There is more information on spiritual practices these days and easier access to this information. There are astrological and energetic changes taking place at the moment, allowing for mass awakening. There are also more people being called to carry out the work of awakening others through healings and transmissions.











Kundalini can become spontaneously aroused during a person’s life, and then lay dormant again. My kundalini had been active intermittently since childhood. A lot of people experience this, yet often don’t recognise and understand its process. It may sound like some fairy tale story that you would never be lucky enough to have happen to you but the awakening of kundalini is a very natural and organic process that anyone who is ready and commited can experience…

Not long after my kundalini awakening, I received a transmission one day directly into my eyes as I was about to meditate. From that point on I knew I was able to transmit the same Shakti energy that I had received, to other people through Shaktipat (a kundalini awakening transmission of Shakti). Through regular meditation practice and receiving Shaktipat, one can become awakened to their true nature.


What Does Kundalini Awakening Feel Like?

(The Coiled Serpent) 

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