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How Many Shakti Transmissions is Enough?













Shaktipat or a shakti transmission is the transference of shakti (the primordial cosmic energy) from a person with an awakened kundalini to a person who wishes to reach self realisation (also known as enlightenment).


Shaktipat is not a healing modality in the sense that you would go and get shakti when you feel run down or you lack energy and want a boost. It is not something you get once and then don’t try again. It is a spiritual commitment and intention to become fully awakened to your true nature. After you have received Shaktipat once, the journey has started. Your awakening will also depend on your commitment to regular spiritual practice (Shaktipat/meditation/yoga/diet etc.).


In rare cases, there are a few individuals who reach self realization immediately or shortly after receiving Shaktipat for the first time. For most, however, Shaktipat is something needed again and again to keep the light lit until it can burn alone.


What do I mean by this?


If you were to imagine yourself as the wick of an oil lamp and shakti as the lit match then you would expect the flame would need to be held over the wick for a certain amount of time before the oil lamp catches the flame. The flame may stay lit for good or it may blow out again shortly after. The wick may get wet or the wind may be blowing. There are many factors (e.g. energetic blockages, outside environmental influences such as diet and chemicals, trauma held in the body and beliefs held in the mind) which the energy will need to work through before self realisation is possible in the recipient.













Likewise, the oil lamp may need several attempts at being lit before it catches light on its own and permanently.

For me, it took 2 weeks for the kundalini to leave the base of my spine and enter my brain. For you to understand how this happened to me so quickly I will explain a few things:


1. My kundalini had been active on and off for years

2. I had a daily kundalini yoga practice, which helped to prepare my body

3. I had been meditating regularly for five years

4. I had intuitively been doing shadow work and releasing painful past memories

5. I was lucky enough to have the rare opportunity to receive Shaktipat at least twice a day for two weeks (and some days I received it a lot more).


If you are lucky enough to receive shakti on a very regular basis and you are committed to your meditation practice and inner work, then you could achieve self realisation in this lifetime. How long it will take depends on the previously mentioned factors. If you are receiving Shakti and meditating everyday like I was, the process would likely be a lot faster.


More good news is, you do not need to be a monk, you do not need to live on a mountain, and you do not need to renounce all your worldly possessions, live in an ashram or grow a long beard. Anyone with the right intentions and commitment can do this. From my own personal experience, you cannot receive too much Shakti. If there were any reason why shakti should not flow to you, then it will not. It is an intelligence - far more intelligent than any person who can transmit it.


Most people receive sessions every 1 or 2 weeks, some once a month. I always advise to go with your intuition. A week is enough to allow the energy to integrate before booking another session, therefore, I would not advise booking any more frequently than once a week.


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