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sri yantra

Kundalini Awakening Transmission - Shaktipat & Psychic Development

These private sessions are done via Zoom. To create a Zoom account follow this link . You can also download the app from the app store on your phone or tablet.


These private sessions are suitable for people who either already have a meditation practice or are ready to begin one and commit to it in order to develop their connection to the universe/source, strengthen and deepen their intuition and realise their true self.  This transmission is not a one time fix but something that you need to commit to in order to feel the benefits and experience significant changes. What you receive from these sessions will depend on your intention and where you are at in your own journey. If you just require an energy healing for something you are currently experiencing then we can just focus on that. Shakti itself is a very healing energy (as explained further on). I am also a Reiki Master and able to channel specific energy healing for you if needed.


What Is The Psychic Aspect of The Transmission?

My Transmission has a particular 'flavour' to it which draws out your innate psychic abilities. I am able to hone in on this frequency and transmit that aspect more directly with intent to clear blocks in your energy system which are preventing you from accessing your intuition and abilities. My strongest ability is claircognizance. It is possible, however, that if your natural strength is clairvoyance, for example, that you can develop this ability further than mine is developed currently. That is, my abilities and strengths have no bearing and create no limitations over yours. To learn more about how this gift was integrated into my system in order for me to be able to channel it please watch this video on Channelling and the transference of psychic ability.


What Do We Do In This Session?

We will begin the session with a chat to identify your strengths and blocks then you will meditate or relax while you receive the transmission (in whichever form is necessary depending on your intentions). If you have already experienced a full Kundalini awakening or any kind of awakening, this transmission is still beneficial if you would like to continue experiencing shifts in your consciousness and increased connection to your intuition/psychic abilities. 


I have had both a kundalini awakening and a further awakening of consciousness since then, I transmit both male and female energies (sometimes referred to as Shakti and Shiva) for expanding consciousness. How the transmission manifests in you, however, will be up to the universe.


All sessions can be recorded upon request. If a session is missed with no communication, I will record the transmission for you and send it by email.


What Is Kundalini?

Kundalini is a form of the divine feminine energy (shakti) that is located and coiled at the base of the spine, in the muladhara chakra (or root chakra). It stays dormant there until it is awakened through spiritual practice (or sometimes seemingly at random). It then travels up to the brain for a full kundalini awakening (it later descends into the heart and gut). This process can take years, months or weeks. For me, it took 2 weeks.


This was a process that was important for my awakening, in that it upgraded my physiology to be able to uphold states of higher consciousness. Having said that, there are those who have stabilised into unity consciousness without any apparent experience of kundalini. 


Kundalini energy is often described as feeling like heat or a snake travelling up the spine. Personally, I felt it as a vibrating energy above the perineum that punched the front of my spine as it entered it (this was not painful). Afterwards it took two weeks to travel from the root chakra to the crown chakra twice, clearing each energy centre as it travelled through them. This was a very visceral experience and I intuitively understood what each step of the process was clearing. The energy then created what I can only describe as a brain orgasm in my head. Afterwards, the energy died down for a few weeks until I felt it shift back down through my heart centre and down into my abdomen where it felt that my consciousness was residing.


During the kundalini awakening process I was opened up to psychic downloads, was made able to perceive different forms of energy, and my eating habits and diet changed permanently, naturally, and for the better. My processing of emotion is a more physical experience now that belongs to the body and not the mind.


A full kundalini awakening is a life changing experience that in the past seemed to be exclusively for sages or mystics and predominantly in the East, but it is becoming more and more common in the west now for a lot of reasons: There is more information on spiritual practices these days and easier access to this information. There are astrological and energetic changes taking place at the moment, allowing for mass awakening. There are also more people being called to carry out the work of awakening others through healings and transmissions. 


What Does Kundalini Awakening Feel Like?



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Is Kundalini Awakening Safe?

For some, kundalini is activated by trauma/an accident/abuse and this can be a frightening experience for someone when they are in a dark place and are unaware of what it is that is happening to them. Fear can attract more fear.

Shaktipat is the safest and gentlest way to awaken Kundalini through the correct

channel (nadi). There is no force involved - it's not me that's making anything happen, it's the intelligence of shakti that allows the awakening and healing to unfold as it should do; I am the conduit. Shakti is creative, primordial cosmic energy and pure divine feminine energy, it would not allow anything to happen to you that was not meant for you. Kundalini lays dormant in everyone, it is a natural yet neglected and forgotten part in all of us. How could a natural part of us be unsafe?

Surrendering to the energy is a commitment to yourself and the universe to evolve to your highest potential.


What Are The Benefits of Awakening Kundalini?

A full kundalini awakening results in a self realised state. The initiation of Shaktipat activates/arouses the kundalini and sets it on the path to full awakening, although how long this takes will depend on each individual case and how much you have to heal. 

Even when the kundalini is just activated and not fully awakened, there are still benefits.


- An upgrade to your energy system and nervous system each time Shaktipat is received

- A purifying effect on the body and mind which can lead to an improvement in health

- A more restful mind

- A more profound understanding of reality through experience

- Sensitivity to energy

- Peace, bliss, joy and oneness with nature.

- Knowledge of the self

- Increase in intuition and psychic ability

- Many More


What Is Shakti?

Shakti is the divine primordial cosmic energy and dynamic force that moves through the entire universe. It is the creative feminine energy within everything. There’s an aspect of Shakti (kundalini) that remains hidden and coiled at the base of the spine until it is awakened either spontaneously, by trauma, through meditation, Kundalini yoga or light transmissions/Shaktipat.

What Is Shaktipat?

Shaktipat refers to the transmission of spiritual energy (shakti) from an awakened person to another person in order to awaken their kundalini. Shaktipat initiates the beginning of the recipient's inward journey towards ego shift and self realisation. It can be transferred through sight (which is sometimes referred to as Darshan) or through touch or intent, often directed at the third eye area. This will not only help to deepen your meditation practice but the energy will also begin to work on blockages/trauma that will eventually come to the surface to be released in order to clear the energy system for the kundalini to rise up the spine and into the brain for a full kundalini awakening. Shaktipat upgrades the nervous system each time it is received in order for the body-mind to perceive heightened states of awareness and higher frequency vibrations.


What Does Shakti Do and Feel Like?

Shakti is intelligent and can manifest in you in many ways but people often report that an intense feeling of peace comes over them or that they feel the Shakti energy working on them. This can manifest as energy up the spine, tingling, bubbles, static, a warm fuzzy feeling etc. Other experiences can vary from a heightened state of awareness, visual or auditory information such as visions or voices to...anything or nothing! The energy will manifest in you how it needs to and can continue working on you after the transmission has taken place. If you feel nothing at first, do not be disheartened, that is perfectly normal, you will still receive the benefits. Shaktipat works regardless of whether you feel it or not and often your ability to feel it will depend on the sensitivity of your nervous system (this will increase the more you meditate and receive the energy as it will upgrade your nervous system).


What's The Difference Between This and The Shaktipat Zoom Group?

Whilst I offer Shaktipat Zoom group meditations, these sessions are shared with a group of people and there is not enough time to go through all the questions each of you may have about your own experiences. The amount of time your transmission lasts in the group sessions depends on the size of the group that day, although when it is not your turn you are still sitting in the energy. Therefore, one to one sessions are beneficial for a more in depth discussion on your personal experiences and journey, time for questions and a much longer 1-2-1 transmission. The more time spent in the energy the faster you will begin to feel and see results.


What Is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment refers to an awakening of consciousness; the expansion of your awareness of your true self. It is a shedding of false beliefs and ego and the end of mental and emotional suffering and constriction. This release of lower vibrational energy allows the body-mind (which we function through as humans) to perceive and uphold higher vibrational levels of consciousness. Enlightenment is also often referred to as Nirvana, Liberation, Awakening, Self Realization, Moksha etc. This process develops our intuitive abilities. At full self realisation or unity consciousness, fear and anxiety fall away. The feeling of seeking falls away but a new journey has started of surrender and life begins again. Life becomes more free and we live in alignment with truth. We live with the experience that all is one and existence becomes more effortless.


The word enlightenment often conjures up the idea that there is a goal or an ending to a spiritual journey. In my experience, enlightenment is ongoing. Rather than seeing it as an attainment (because nothing is actually acquired during the process, only realised) see it as an unloading of unnecessary baggage leaving you lighter. Underneath this baggage you are already enlightened, you just need to realise it.


What Is Enlightenment?


What Are Levels of Consciousness?

Different cultures and religions have their own ideas and understandings of the levels of consciousness. These are states of being that we pass through on the journey of enlightenment. Buddhists believe there are 9 levels, for example. Different scales will refer to each stage by different names and will have been put together based on reports from different people. This can lead to a lot of confusion, especially when translating states of being into words is not easy.


Below is a brief scale loosely based on ancient Vedic teachings, there are more states or stages that could be mentioned. Other people's experiences will vary. An awakening process may not be linear. A person can skip "levels" or have a brief experience of a "level" but not stabilise in it. Their progression will continue with each transmission. From my experience and what I've learnt from the people I have worked closely with, there are many nuances to each state that can differ between person to person depending on what the individual has personally healed within themselves and is yet to heal. Essentially, each state or "level" is a higher frequency than the last, however, the word level is misleading because we are not gaining anything or going anywhere, we are simply losing our lower vibrational egoic conditioning and remembering the light that we already are.

















rainbow, levels of consciousness

1. Sleep state, Dream state and Waking state (states of mind and ego)

2. Transcendental Consciousness (state of restful alertness, typically during meditation)

3. Initial Self Realisation (non duality/ego death/the void)

4. Cosmic Consciousness (full time transcendental consciousness/bliss consciousness)

5. God Consciousness (heart opening/devotion)

6. Unity Consciousness (full self realisation/ oneness/ subject-object duality collapses)


Beyond consciousness...


- Brahman (the manifest that causes and permeates creation)

Parabrahman (the unmanifest before Brahman)

There are also "states" which include instant knowing and no longer needing to eat, naturally gaining sustenance from the universal energy (inedia/pranic living).


What Are Psychic Abilities?

Psychic Abilities are extra sensory perception beyond the normal 5 senses of touch, smell, sight, hearing and tasting. Each human sense has an equivalent psychic counterpart:

Clairvoyance (Clear seeing)

Clairaudience (Clear hearing)

Clairsentience (Clear feeling)

Clairgustance (Clear tasting)

Clairalience (Clear smelling)


There is also Claircognizance (Clear Knowing) and many other nuances but the ones mentioned are the most common.

Psychic ability is possible when we are able to shift out of the logical mind and shift into the present moment beyond our conditioning and beliefs. It is a natural ability that most have been disconnected from due to the way we have been programmed from childhood to look outside of ourselves for guidance rather than within. There are also many other reasons why we have been disconnected. See article on the third eye.


What Are The Benefits of Developing Intuition and Psychic Ability?

- A shift in perception which could lead to a spiritual awakening or shift in consciousness

- Enhanced self awareness

- Self reliance

- Confidence in your own guidance system

- Restoring a sense of connection to all things

- Increase in creativity and purpose

- Potential to heal others through your own gifts rather than attunements from others

- Avoiding wrong decisions and situations

- Balancing the energy centres, particularly the third eye

- Becoming more aligned with who you came here to be in your highest timeline

- Many More


What Are The Effects of The Healing Aspect of This Transmission?


- Balances the organs and glands and their bodily functions

- Treats symptoms and causes of illness

- Releases blocks and suppressed feelings

- Strengthens intuition

- Promotes natural self-healing

- Strengthens life force energy

- Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver

- Promotes creativity

- Relieves pain

- Relaxes and reduces stress

- Strengthens the immune system

- Clears toxins​


How Often Should I Receive The Transmission?

There is no minimum or maximum, however, from my own previous experience and witnessing other people's progress, a session every week or every two weeks is adequate to allow the energy to be processed and integrated and to give time for self reflection. 


How Many Shakti Transmissions Is Enough?


NB: While results cannot be guaranteed, I have not yet had a recipient of this transmission who has not felt beneficial change, kundalini activation or energy sensations and releases.


By booking this session you are confirming your understanding that this is not a substitute for professional medical help. You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way and that I am not responsible for any issues that may arise from any underlying mental health problems/illnesses you may have.

TO BOOK click the 'book now' button, which will take you to the booking page where you will be able to select this service and choose your time slot. An email will be sent to you. 


Sessions are 1/2 hour or 1 hour


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


£35 / £65


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