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sri yantra

Tarot Reading
(By Email)

This email service is either for those who feel they need further clarification on their awakening process and/or life journey or those who are at the beginning of the journey and are looking for guidance as to which direction to take. This session is designed to identify the blocks that are holding you back from your autonomy. Using Tarot I will give intuitive advice, which can cover past, present and future energies surrounding your situation and your spiritual journey. 

How It Works

Once booked, I will send you an email asking for 1-3 short questions, one sentence each, (please do not send essays). On the day the reading is booked for, (Fridays only) I will tune into your energy and channel from the cards. I use the tarot and oracle cards as a tool or trigger to access my claircognizant, clairvoyant and clairsentient abilities. Usually I will get an image, word, phrase or concept without the need for the cards and in this instance the cards serve as a tool to help me interpret the concepts I'm seeing into words. The reading in itself is a catalyst for whatever it is you need healing in that moment and the photo of the cards that I will send to you also holds this transmission and is to be meditated on.

Please be as clear as possible with your questions. If I misunderstand the question, the whole reading will be affected.

Examples of well worded questions:

  • Why have I not yet attracted the person I want to be with, should I give up on my spiritual path?

  • What is blocking my energy? I feel stuck and don't know how to move forward.

Examples of badly worded questions:

  • Why is my name Bob?

  • What is happening to me?

NB: While results cannot be guaranteed, I have not yet had a recipient of these readings who has not felt beneficial change, kundalini activation or energy sensations and trauma releases.

By booking this session you are confirming your understanding that this is not a substitute for professional medical help. You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way and that I am not responsible for any issues that may arise from any underlying mental health problems/illnesses you may have.

TO BOOK click the 'book now' button, which will take you to the booking page where you will be able to select this service and choose your time slot (Fridays only). I will then contact you by email to ask for your questions.

Remember you do not need to be available at the time that you book, as the reading will be sent Ito you by email


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


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